A few days ago, an entrepreneur @ aiza.alieva__ @zamsha__ Aizanat Aliyeva contacted us. And she offered help. But it was not about finances or products. She and her team organized an interesting meeting for the young wards of the Foundation.

Orphans under the “I am a guardian” program took part in a career guidance event. A conversation about choosing a profession with the guys was held by the professional orientation specialist Zeinab @ zayzeyka. And in the second part of the meeting, coach Madina @kvest_v_realnosti_ brought the participants into a team building game with a quest. Here our wards learned to develop their communication skills and adaptations.

As a result, we got such a fascinating, fun and useful event. It was held in the open air, in the Lenin Komsomol Park. Thank you very much to the organizers and participants for introducing useful skills for the young wards. We are sure that this will become a significant contribution to their future. Because one can help in different ways!
