
Run to meet dad

Cerebral palsy

Ashahanova Napisat is 7 years old. Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy. The girl did not know how to crawl and particularly walk. Parents took their daughter for counseling, treatment and rehabilitation. All that helped: at 10 months, Napisat began to roll over, to crawl, at 1 year and 2 months she got on her hands and knees, crawled in 18 months old. The diligent girl has already achieved a lot: Napisat walks holding hand, takes just a few steps on her own, but for now she is falling. All these results were achieved thanks to the course rehabilitation at the Sakura Medical Center.

“As soon as the daughter hears the key turn in the keyhole, she begins to smile. This sound means that a dad is about to appear on the threshold ... Napisat always perceives me as a teacher, coach, nurse, and finally dad - as the main instigator of the most fun games. She tries to run to dad, takes a few steps and falls, ”says Mom.

Napisat likes to walk on the street by the hand with her mother, but she cannot walk for a long time. For long walks, as well as for training the muscles, the girl needs to undergo another rehabilitation course. In the "Sakura" center billed for 240 thousand rubles, but Napisat’s parents no longer have no money. They will not be able to pay on their own.

Let's make the walks become long, so that mom can tell her daughter: “Napisat, run to meet dad”.

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Необходимо: 240 000 р.
Собрано: 240 000 р. из 240 000 р.

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