
Fundraiser for Salimat Magomedova

Scoliosis and a funnel on the chest

Salimat is from the remote village Ainikab, in the Levashinsky district. It was not easy for our film crew to get to it. But the story of a girl with scoliosis deserves not only our attention and sympathy. She really needs help!

Salimat was born like this: severe scoliosis and a funnel on the chest. Due to the deformation of the back, a ribbed hump gradually formed. A girl cannot even lie. Once in Derbent, where Salimat was brought to the doctors’ appointment from the Turkish “Memorial” clinic, they were encouraged. Specialists have already performed a similar operation, and the result was excellent. ⠀

Salimat suffers not only from pain, curvature threatens her life. A smooth spine for a girl is not just a beautiful body, it is also the normal work of internal organs. But the opportunity to live like everyone else costs $ 45,000. Without our help, her family will never collect this money. So Salimat’s chances of healing are decreasing every day.

“Insan” Charitable Foundation announces an urgent fee for Magomedova Salimat for a complex operation in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. This amount will be a significant contribution to the payment of the operation. ⠀


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Необходимо: 606 880 р.
Собрано: 606 880 р. из 606 880 р.

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