
Fundraiser for Assad

Spastic muscle diplegia

Spastic muscle diplegia is a form of cerebral palsy in which the muscles of the back, arms and legs cannot function normally. This means that someone has to be near all the time. A child with such paralysis cannot be left alone at home and go to work. What if we are talking about a single mother with two young children, whose whole day is occupied only with caring for them? Many people know that it is possible to maintain a normal life for patients with infantile cerebral palsy, if they carry out regular and timely rehabilitation.⁣⁣

The cost of rehabilitation for little Assad is 137,200 rubles. We can collect this amount if everyone donates at least a little money. Paid rehabilitation will significantly alleviate the health of the child, whose disease does not recede for one hour a day. He lives with it every day. His mother also lives with this pain.

Let's help little Assad!


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Необходимо: 137 200 р.
Собрано: 137 200 р. из 137 200 р.

«Господь людей! Освободи от болезни, исцели этого человека, потому что только Ты даешь выздоровление. Нет больше исцеления, кроме того, которое Ты даруешь. Дай такое исцеление, которое искоренило бы болезнь».

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