
Fundraiser for Adam

Cerebral palsy

Adam is the youngest son in the Genzhaev family. Sitara has two more older sons.

⁣⁣ The whole pregnancy for Adam went well. But in childbirth, the baby had a brain hemorrhage. And at six months the boy was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. They issued a pension and put it off every month in order to give their son another treatment. Sitara admits that they managed themselves all the time. Thanks to the timely treatment, Adam began to sit, his tone subsided. But he has a paresis of his left arm, it is barely mobile. And yet, in addition to restrictions in walking, Adam is nervous, often naughty. After the course, the boy gets better, apparently, muscle tone affects the nervous system. But the money to pay for them is not always enough. That is why in the summer

Sitara came to the “Insan” Foundation with a request to help pay for the course. And the fundraiser was completed thanks to your support. Now Adam is better, they can go out with him for a walk. But since he cannot walk, he needs a special wheelchair. He has already grown out of his own, but there is no money for a new one. Sitara, overcoming embarrassment, again decided to turn to the foundation for help. ⁣

Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces a fee for Adam Genzhaev in the amount of 111,000 rubles for the purchase of a special wheelchair for children with cerebral palsy.

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