Get orphans to school

Annually, at the beginning of a new school year, the Charitable Fund” Insan” holds the campaign “Get Orphans to School”. We believe that every child deserves all the best, because in time he will give the world as much as the world has invested in him. That’s why, it is very important for every adult to give at least something to children who need assistance. After all, anyone can share a single piece of bread who needs it most of all.

Every parent knows that every year it becomes more difficult to get a child to school. School uniforms, backpacks, notebooks, kids shoes, office supplies are becoming more expensive every year, which is harder for the weakest and most unprotected - disadvantaged children left without parental care. Therefore, we call on parents who prepare their children for school: just think about, even the smallest help can cause a happy smile of another, even a stranger to you, even a little “prickly”, but still a charming child. After all, any of them wants to look no worse than other schoolchildren on the “lineup” on September 1st and the whole school year in the classroom. It should not be that at least one of the children, regardless of the marital status or the material status of the parents, be deprived of happy impressions  from the Day of Knowledge.

 Therefore, if only for your own sake, we would like to encourage you to be real adults, that is, to solve the problems of other children by following your big heart.  After all, only we, all together, can help a large number of orphans to fill their world with a happy feeling of childhood, where they feel the support and kindness of adults. Even if our help is just a drop in the ocean, each such drop will fall on the fertile ground of the still-open children's hearts, if it is presented from the heart. As the hadith says: “For someone who takes care of the orphan, Paradise will become mandatory.”

The Fund “Insan” represented by each of its employees, is immensely grateful to everyone who has already responded and helped our orphans to start the new school year with happy smiles.

We should like to thank in advance warmly those who come to the aid of our wards.

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Get orphans to school
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