Various caregivers of orphans are united around the program “I am a guardian”. Together we help them not to feel the need for anything. So, Seda Tofikovna, a massage therapist, decided not to remain indifferent and expressed the wish to conduct a wellness massage course for our children.

Mansur and Maryam have health problems: scoliosis, flat feet, shoulder blades at different levels, funnel shaped chest. Using effects on certain muscles, Seda conducted procedures to solve each problem.

Patimat Magomedovna, a gymnastics trainer, also joined the assistance. It should be noted that along with Mansur and Maryam, three more wards of the fund “INSAN” also undergo a health course. And It’s a start. We believe that together we can change the life of orphans for the better.

On behalf of the fund, we would like to thank Seda Tofikovna @massajseda for taking the initiative in support of our wards. We wish you health, prosperity and success in your work.

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