
Fundraiser for Marhet

Suspicion of oncology

Marhet lost her sister last summer. Against the backdrop of stress, she began to have serious health problems.⁣⁣ Doctors suspected oncology, but in order to confirm the diagnosis, it was necessary to undergo a series of examinations.

⁣ Suddenly, Marhet's mother became very ill. Illness, recovery lasted a long time, and there was also a father with a stroke on her hands. Marhet was not up to himself. As soon as the situation leveled off,⠀another misfortune happened - Marhet's daughter was hit by a car.⁣⁣

There have been many such accidents in Marhet's life over the past year. When the woman finally got to the doctors, she was urgently operated on. And Marhet was waiting for the histology results. They turned out to be positive, unfortunately.⁣⁣ Marhet was unable to undergo chemo as usual due to heart problems. Therefore, the council sends a woman to a Moscow clinic according to a quota, but she will have to pay for all the tests and examinations. There will also be expenses for accommodation while the examination is going on.

Marhet and her husband do not have such funds. Although their relatives helped them raise some of the funds, Marhet will not be able to get to the doctors without outside help.⁣⁣ Let's help the woman restore her health!⁣⁣

Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces a fee for Nazhaeva Marhet in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

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Необходимо: 100 000 р.
Собрано: 100 000 р. из 100 000 р.

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